Monday, December 14, 2015

Explore the Nature During Winter Break

Insects, Burying Worn, How They Clean Our Environment

Wild Animals from National Geography

Birds of Paradise
UK Wild Flowers

Monday, December 7, 2015

Week 16, 17 - Christmas Seasons, Caroling in Chinese

報佳音bao jia yin/Christmas Caroling
Learning Objectives
1. Students will know the true meaning of Christmas.
2. Students are able to pronounce the Chinese pinyin and sing Christmas songs in Chinese.

耶穌的降生ye su de jiang sheng/Birth of Jesus  -  路加福音2   1-20
1.  Mandarin
2. English;CUV

聖誕詩歌sheng dan shi ge/Christmas Songs
1. Little Drummer Boy
    聖誕小鼓手的故事Story behind Little Drummer Boy

2. Silent Night 平安夜ping an ye
Piano + Violin

3. What Child Is This 是何嬰孩

4. Hark! the Herald Angel Sing聽啊,天使高聲唱

5. Joy To The World普世歡騰

O, Holy Night喔! 聖善夜

vocal groups

Christmas shoes, Song and Story

Monday, November 30, 2015

Week 15, How Long? How Wide?

有多長?有多寬?you duo chang? you duo kuan
Learning Objectives
1. Be able to ask how wide and/or how long in Chinese.
2. Be familiar with the common terminologies regarding the body.
3. Be able to read the numbers with decimals in Chinese.

Relevant web-sites
頭肩膀膝腳趾tou jianbang xi jiao zhi

Friday, November 20, 2015

An inspiring story from Nick Vujicic

Love Without Limits
Birds of Paradise

Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 13, 14 - Say Sorry and Thank You to Others

Learning Objectives
1. Through the moral educational film students can identify things they want to say sorry to classmates, teachers, parents, siblings, and others.
2. Students be able to write a Sorry/Thank You note to others.
老師lao shi/teacher,說shuo/say,對不起dui bu qi/sorry,我錯了wo cuo le/I'm wrong,我wo/I,你ni/you,把ba/ particle marking the following noun as a direct object,沒有mei you/did not,服從fu cong/obey,聽話ting hua/listen,欺負qi fu/bully,說謊shuo huang/lie,謝謝你xie xie ni/thank you,教jiao/teach,讀書du shu/read,寫字xie zi/write,做功課zuo gong ke/do home work,畫畫hua hua/draw,唱歌chang ge/sing,打球da qiu/play basketball, tennis, and/or volleyball,踢球ti qiu/play soccer,丟飛盤diu fei pan/fly Frisbee,騎單車qi dan che/ride a bike,陪我玩pei wo wan/play with me
Relevant web sites
1. 老師,對不起!/I'm sorry, Mrs. Lee!
2.  感謝神/God, thank you!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 11, 12--Character Weeks

品性pin xing zhou/Character Weeks
Learning Objective
1. Through the story of Five Chinese Brothers and Seven Chinese Brothers students will learn the virtue of helping others and cooperation.
2. Students can identify at least one strength of their own and find at least one strength of their classmates.
3. Use the Sentence pattern of: 我會(wo hui/I can) to describe themselves.

特長te chang/strength         大壯士da zhuang shi/the great mighty,二刮風er gua feng/second, wind blower ,三鐵漢san tie han/third, iron man,不怕熱bu pa re/heat resist,五高腿wu gao tui/fifth, long legs,六大腳liu da jiao/sixth, big foot,七大口qi da kou/seventh, big mouth
品性pin xing/character           忍耐ren nai/patient恩慈en ci/kind不嫉妒bu ji du/not envy不自誇bu zi kua/not boast不張狂bu zhang kuang/not proud包容ba rong/protect相信xiang xin/trust盼望pan wang/hope

Relevant resources
Five Chinese Brothers
Seven Chinese Brothers

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Short Break, anti-bully and awesome China 10/21-10/28

1. 反暴力fan bao li/Anti-bully
qin ai de rang wo men bi ci xiang ai yin ai cong shen lai/Dear friends, let's love one another because love is from God!

2. 愛的真諦ai de zhen di/The Meaning of Love
愛是恆久忍耐又有恩慈,愛是不嫉妒;愛是不自誇,不張狂,不做害羞的事;*不求自己的益處,不輕易發怒;不計算人家的惡,不喜歡不義,只喜歡真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐,凡事要忍耐;愛是永不止息。ai shi heng jiu ren nai you you en ci, ai shi bu ji du; ai shi bu zi kua, bu zhang kuang, bu zuo hai xiu de shi; *bu qiu zi ji de yi chu, bu qing yi fa nu; bu ji suan ren jia de e, bu xi huan bu yi, zhi xi huan zhen li; fan shi bao rong, fan shi xiang xin, fan shi pan wang, fan shi ren nai, fan shi yao ren nai; ai shi yong bu zi xi. (I Corinthians 13:4-8)

3. Awesome China---建橋jian qiao/Building Bridges

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Week 9, When Is Your Birthday

你的生日是幾月幾日?nide sheng ri shi ji yue ji ri/When Is Your Birthday?

k-2nd     Students be able to say their own birthdays in Chinese.
3-5th grade    Students be able to say the year, the month, the date, and days of the week in Chinese.

我的wode/my,你的nide/your,他的tade/his,生日shengri/birthday,年nian/year月yue/month,日ri/day,數字shuzi/number,一yi/1,二er/2,三san/3,四si/4,五wu/5,六liu/6,七qi/7,八ba/8,九jiu/9,十shi/10,十一shiyi/11,十二shier/12,十三shisan/13,十四shisi/14,十五shiwu/15,十六shiliu/16,十七shiqi/17,十八shiba/18,十九shijiu/19,二十ershi/20,二十一ershiyi/21,二十二ershier/22,二十三ershisan/23,二十四ershisi/24,二十五ershiwu/25,二十六ershiliu/26,二十七ershiqi/27,二十八ershiba/28,二十九ershijiu/29,三十sanshi/30,今天jin tian/today,明天ming tian/tomorrow,後天hou tian/day after tomorrow,昨天zuo tian.yesterday,前天qian tian/day before yesterday,星期xing qi/week

Relevant videos
1. How Many Months Are There in A Year
2. Happy Birthday To You
3. Count the year, month, date, and days of the week.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Week 8: Counting ages

你今年幾歲ni jin nian ji sui/How Old Are You
Learning objectives
k-2nd grade---Students be able to count their own ages.
3-5th grade---Students be able to count their own ages and family members' ages.

今年jin nian/this year,明年ming nian/next year,後年hou nian/year after next year,去年qu nina/last year,前年qian nian/year before last year,歲sui/year;age,幾歲ji sui/how old

Relevant videos

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 7 Counting Family Members

Learning objectives
k-2nd grades:  Students will learn family members through a nursery rhyme:你家你家有幾個人ni jia ni jia you ji ge ren/How Many People Are There In Your Family
3-5th grades: Students will write about family members

Vocabularies for this week
家jia/family,有you/there are,幾ji/how many,個ge/counting unit for people,這是zhe shi/this is,那是na shi/that is,爸爸baba/dad,媽媽mama/mom,繼父ji fu/step dad,繼母ji mu/step ma,養父母yang fu mu/adoptive parents,同母異父兄弟tong mu yi fu xiong di/half brother with the same biological mom,同母異父姐妹tong mu yi fu jie mei/half sister with the same biological mom,同父異母兄弟tong fu yi mu xiong di/half brother with the same biological dad,同父異母姐妹tong fu yi mu jie mei/half sister with the same biological father。

Relevant video

Friday, September 25, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Week 6--Numbers

This week students will learn how to count in Chinese and how to write Chinese numbers.
K-2nd grade,  Make monthly calendar for September and count to 30 in Chinese.
3-5th grade,  Make monthly calendar of September in Chinese, count to 100 in Chinese.

Relevant web link:

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week 5- Review and Story time

1. This week students will review the greetings words and the way to address family members.

2. k-2 will learn the nursery rhymes:
兩隻老虎Two Tiger
三輪車跑得快Tricycle Run Fast

問候歌Greeting Song

3. 3-5th grade will read the story: 小馬過河(The Little Horse Crosses the River)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week 3,4 Family


1. Students will learn how to call family members in Chinese.
2. Learn the different addresses for fraternal and maternal parents, brothers, sisters, and their children.
3. The vocabularies students have to master are:爸爸baba/dad,媽媽mama/mom,哥哥gege/older brother,姐姐jiejie/older sister,弟弟didi/younger brother, 妹妹meimei/younger sister,爺爺yeye/dad' dad,奶奶nainai/dad's mom,伯伯bobo/dad's older brother, 叔叔shushu/dad's younger brother,姑姑gugu/dad's sister,外公waigong/mom's dad,外婆waipo/mom's mom,舅舅jiujiu/mom's brother,阿姨ayi/mom's sister,堂兄弟tang xiongdi/cousin,表兄弟biao xiongdi/cousin on mom's site,堂姐妹tang jiemei/girl cousin,表姐妹biao jie mei/girl cousin on mom's site。

Relevant youtube:

Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 2, Greetings & Courtesy問候和禮節

Week 2, students will practice courtesy in Chinese language:
請qing/please,謝謝xie xie/thank you,不客氣bu ke qi/you're welcome,對不起dui bu qi/I'm sorry,沒關係mei guan xi/it's ok
Two nursery rhymes will be introduced:
上學歌Go To School Song
問候歌Greeting Song

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Week 1-Greetings, Rules, Names

Dear parents,
Thank you for entrusting me to teach your child Chinese.  If this is the first time for your child to have Chinese lesson the you-tube videos listed below will be helpful for your child to be familiar with the Chinese pinyin system.  We will not teach traditional Chinese zhuyin system.  However, it is good to know where the original pronunciation comes from.  My office is located in the media center.  My office hour is 8:20am-8:50am, Monday-Friday.  Feel free to call, or write me an email at   My purpose is to serve your child well so that they will take their initiative to learn Chinese.  Following you will see the objective for Week 1.

Objectives for Week 1
1. Make sure every student's name is spelled correctly in the grade books.
2. Class rules-Students are expected to have their own tools for Chinese class.  It includes eraser, sharpened pencils for all the grade level.  3rd-5th graders have to have their own Chinese notebooks to take notes from time to time.  Students are to show respect to others and wait for his/her turn to talk.  If a student does not comply to the class rules, three strike policy will apply: 1st warning, green card; 2nd warning, red card and seat re-arrangement; 3rd warning, refer to the office.
3.Students will learn three common greeting words-早zao/good morning,午安wu an/good afternoon,再見zai jian/goodbye.  We will practice these greeting words through the school year.
4. Introduce Chinese pronunciation through Romanticized pinyin system.

Helpful resources for Chinese pronunciation
Chinese pinyin
Traditional zhuyin
Zhuyin and pinyin converting table:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Review for the last two weeks

(English translation Thanks to God:

Learn China Provinces through Puzzle Games:

Friday, May 8, 2015

母親節快樂mu qin jie kuai le/Happy Mother's Day

Chinese Mother's Day Songs

Thursday, April 2, 2015

你從哪里來Where Are You From

In this unit students will be introduced to the poem,悲憤詩Poem of Sorrow and Anger, by poetess, Wenji Cai from Eastern Han dynasty.
Learning objectives are: Students will be able to
1. Name different nationalities in Chinese.
2. Say "where are you from" in Chinese.
3. Use colors to describe physical appearance in Chinese.  
4. Tell reasons why people emigrate from their own countries.
5. Be able to relate immigrants' emotion in Chinese.
6. Write about peoples from different counties their physical characteristics and preference of drink
and food.
7. Be able to recite  靜夜思by李白in Chinese.
relevant videos:
Wenji's choice:
Becoming American:
 靜夜思(Quiet Night Thought)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

全球共識-中國在哪兒Global Awareness-Where Is China

Learning Objectives
1. Be able to find where is China from a globe.
2. Be able to name the continent where China located.
3. Be able to name 5 countries next to China.
4. Be able to name four southeast  coast provinces in China.
5. Be able to name three big cities in the southeast coast of China.
6. Be able to write and to say the four directions E W S N in Chinese.
7. Be able to tell the difference of elementary school life in China from the United States.
relevant you-tubes
Geography of Asia:
China's Geographic Challenge:
Inside Shenzhen:
Primary School Life in China:

Monday, February 9, 2015

情人節快樂qing ren jie kuai le/Happy Valentine's Day

Learn to say "I like you," and "I love you," in Chinese.
The legend behind Chinese Valentine's Day

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week 20, 21, 22, 23 春節 Chinese New Year

Learning Objectives
1. Students will understand the relationship between  二十四節令/24 Seasons and the farming society.
Pictures to represent 24 seasons:
Watch 24 season drum
2. Students will memorize the the Chinese Zodiac and the way of counting years.
3. Students can tell the historical origin and family tradition for Chinese New Year
4. Students will be able to tell  the common things Chinese people do over the Chinese New Year/Spring Festival
5. Students be able to read Chinese lunar Calendar and identify the special seasons.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Week 16, 17, 18, 19 食物和飲食/Food and Eating

Learning objectives
1. Students be able to name the common American food in Chinese.
2. Students be able to name the common Chinese food in Chinese.
3. Students be able to tell the common utensils in Chinese dining tables and kitchens.
4. Students be able to appreciate the different eating culture in China.
5. Memorize the poem,憫農詩min nong shi
6. Learn the nursery rhyme--農夫nong fu/farmers.
7. Knowing the food that Chinese people treasure is different from the western culture
 舌尖上的中國she jian shang de zhong guo       重庆小面chongqing xiao mian