Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 11, 12--Character Weeks

品性pin xing zhou/Character Weeks
Learning Objective
1. Through the story of Five Chinese Brothers and Seven Chinese Brothers students will learn the virtue of helping others and cooperation.
2. Students can identify at least one strength of their own and find at least one strength of their classmates.
3. Use the Sentence pattern of: 我會(wo hui/I can) to describe themselves.

特長te chang/strength         大壯士da zhuang shi/the great mighty,二刮風er gua feng/second, wind blower ,三鐵漢san tie han/third, iron man,不怕熱bu pa re/heat resist,五高腿wu gao tui/fifth, long legs,六大腳liu da jiao/sixth, big foot,七大口qi da kou/seventh, big mouth
品性pin xing/character           忍耐ren nai/patient恩慈en ci/kind不嫉妒bu ji du/not envy不自誇bu zi kua/not boast不張狂bu zhang kuang/not proud包容ba rong/protect相信xiang xin/trust盼望pan wang/hope

Relevant resources
Five Chinese Brothers
Seven Chinese Brothers

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