Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 13, 14 - Say Sorry and Thank You to Others

Learning Objectives
1. Through the moral educational film students can identify things they want to say sorry to classmates, teachers, parents, siblings, and others.
2. Students be able to write a Sorry/Thank You note to others.
老師lao shi/teacher,說shuo/say,對不起dui bu qi/sorry,我錯了wo cuo le/I'm wrong,我wo/I,你ni/you,把ba/ particle marking the following noun as a direct object,沒有mei you/did not,服從fu cong/obey,聽話ting hua/listen,欺負qi fu/bully,說謊shuo huang/lie,謝謝你xie xie ni/thank you,教jiao/teach,讀書du shu/read,寫字xie zi/write,做功課zuo gong ke/do home work,畫畫hua hua/draw,唱歌chang ge/sing,打球da qiu/play basketball, tennis, and/or volleyball,踢球ti qiu/play soccer,丟飛盤diu fei pan/fly Frisbee,騎單車qi dan che/ride a bike,陪我玩pei wo wan/play with me
Relevant web sites
1. 老師,對不起!/I'm sorry, Mrs. Lee!
2.  感謝神/God, thank you!

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