Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 7 Counting Family Members

Learning objectives
k-2nd grades:  Students will learn family members through a nursery rhyme:你家你家有幾個人ni jia ni jia you ji ge ren/How Many People Are There In Your Family
3-5th grades: Students will write about family members

Vocabularies for this week
家jia/family,有you/there are,幾ji/how many,個ge/counting unit for people,這是zhe shi/this is,那是na shi/that is,爸爸baba/dad,媽媽mama/mom,繼父ji fu/step dad,繼母ji mu/step ma,養父母yang fu mu/adoptive parents,同母異父兄弟tong mu yi fu xiong di/half brother with the same biological mom,同母異父姐妹tong mu yi fu jie mei/half sister with the same biological mom,同父異母兄弟tong fu yi mu xiong di/half brother with the same biological dad,同父異母姐妹tong fu yi mu jie mei/half sister with the same biological father。

Relevant video
song        http://music.weibo.com/ting?songids=100141450&songlist=0&flag=0&coflag=50001613
youtube      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsC9RsOKOak

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