Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 36, Songs; I can/I can't

歌曲ge qu/songs; 我會wo hui/I can;我不會wo bu hui/I can't
1. Students be able to appreciate Chinese music.
2. Students will be able to learn more Chinese songs through online resources.
3. Students can follow along with the music and sing along with you-tubes.
4. k-2nd students can use the sentence pattern, I can/I can't, to express what they can do, what they can't do.
輕輕聽qing qing ting/listen quietly,野地的花ye di de hua/wild flowers,有主在我船上you zhu zai wo chuan shang/the Lord is on my boat,跳tiao/jump,飛fei/fly,跑pao/fly,踢ti/kick,拍pai/clap,打da/beat,吃chi/eat,睡shui/sleep,舔tian/lick,動dong/move,背bei/carry on the back,爬pa/crawl
Relevant Web-link

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