Monday, May 23, 2016

How to Write a Chinese Check

中文支票金額寫法zhong wen zhi piao jin e xie fa/Writing the amount of money in Chinese check
1. Students will understand the numbers 1-10 in Chinese characters.
2. Students be able to know the unit of ten thousand(萬wan) in Chinese.
3. Students will practice counting the number over ten thousand in Chinese.
4. Students can write the amount of money less than ten thousand in Chinese.
零ling/0,壹yi/1,貳er/2,叁san/3,肆si/4,伍wu/5,陸liu/6,柒qi/7,捌ba/8,玖jiu/9,拾shi/10,佰bai/100,仟qian/1000,萬wan/10,000,角jiao/ten cents,分fen/one cent
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