Monday, May 23, 2016

Common Chinese Radicals

常見中文部首chang jian zhong wen bu shou/Common Chinese Radicals
1. Students be able to recognize the common Chinese radicals.
2. Students be able to guess the meaning of a Chinese symbol through its radical.
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How to Write a Chinese Check

中文支票金額寫法zhong wen zhi piao jin e xie fa/Writing the amount of money in Chinese check
1. Students will understand the numbers 1-10 in Chinese characters.
2. Students be able to know the unit of ten thousand(萬wan) in Chinese.
3. Students will practice counting the number over ten thousand in Chinese.
4. Students can write the amount of money less than ten thousand in Chinese.
零ling/0,壹yi/1,貳er/2,叁san/3,肆si/4,伍wu/5,陸liu/6,柒qi/7,捌ba/8,玖jiu/9,拾shi/10,佰bai/100,仟qian/1000,萬wan/10,000,角jiao/ten cents,分fen/one cent
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Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 36, Songs; I can/I can't

歌曲ge qu/songs; 我會wo hui/I can;我不會wo bu hui/I can't
1. Students be able to appreciate Chinese music.
2. Students will be able to learn more Chinese songs through online resources.
3. Students can follow along with the music and sing along with you-tubes.
4. k-2nd students can use the sentence pattern, I can/I can't, to express what they can do, what they can't do.
輕輕聽qing qing ting/listen quietly,野地的花ye di de hua/wild flowers,有主在我船上you zhu zai wo chuan shang/the Lord is on my boat,跳tiao/jump,飛fei/fly,跑pao/fly,踢ti/kick,拍pai/clap,打da/beat,吃chi/eat,睡shui/sleep,舔tian/lick,動dong/move,背bei/carry on the back,爬pa/crawl
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Monday, May 9, 2016

Week 35, What can you do on a hot summer day?

在炎熱的夏天,你能做甚麼?zai yan re de xia tian, ni neng zuo shen me
1. Students will be able to access e-books through Chinese blog.
2. Students can follow along pinyins with online Chinese reading.
3. Students be able to list 2-3 activities they can  do on a hot summer day.
能neng/can做zuo/do甚麼shen me/what可以ke yi/can游泳池you yong chi/swimming pool游泳you yong/swim喝he/drink檸檬水ning meng shui/lemonade陰涼處yin liang chu/shady place打盹da dun/nap買mai/buy冰沙bing sha/snow cone灑水器sa shui qi/sprinkler跑來跑去pao lai pao qu/run here and there吃chi/eat棒冰bang bing/popsicle吹chui/blow泡泡pao pao/bubble
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A Hot Summer Day

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Week 34, Mother's Day

母親節mu qin jie/Mother's Day
1. Students be able to tell at least two things that they are thankful for their mom.
2. Students be able to write "Happy Mother's Day" in Chinese.
3. 3-5th grade students will understand the form of Chinese letters.
4. Students be able to read what they write for their moms in Chinese.
親愛的qin ai de/dear,媽媽mama/mom,阿姨a yi/step mom; mom's sisters,奶奶nai nai/dad's mom,外婆wai po/mom's mom,姑姑gu gu/dad's sisters,兒子er zi/son,女兒nyu er/daughter,姪子zhi zi/nephew,姪女zhi nyu/niece,孫子sun zi/grandson,孫女sun nyu/granddaughter,
謝謝您xie xie nin/than you,教我功課jiao wo gong ke/help me with homework,開車接送我kai che jie song wo/drive me to places,做飯給我吃zuo fan gei wo chi/cook for me,買衣服給我mai yi fu gei wo/buy clothes for me,陪我看電視pei wo kan dian shi/watch TV with me,陪我玩pei wo wan/play with me,帶我去教堂dai wo qu jiao tang/bring me to church,教我如何做人jiao wo ru he zuo ren/teach me how to behave,為我禱告wei wo dao gao/pray for me,祝福您zhu fu nin/wish you,母親節快樂mu qin jie kuai le/Happy Mother's Day!敬上jing shang/respectfully
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