Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 18, Numbers again - Fraction and Mixed Numbers

1. Students will know how to make Chinese New Year Cakes.
2. Students will be able to say fractions and mixed numbers in Chinese.
3. Students will learn the words of different ways of cooking in Chinese.
做zuo/make,年糕nian gao/New Year Cake,容器rong qi/containers,材料cai liao/ingredients,調味料tiao wei liao/seasoning,步驟bu zou/procedures,鹽yan/salt,糖tang/sugar,紅糖年糕hong tang nian gao/brown sugar glutinous rice cake,蘿蔔糕luo bo gao/turnip rice cake,食譜shi pu/recipe,二分之一er fen zhi yi/(1/2),一又四分之三yi you si fen zhi san/(1&3/4),在來米粉zai lai mi fen/rice flour,糯米粉nuo mi fen/glutinous rice flour,水shui/water,杯bei/cup,湯匙tang chi/table spoon,茶匙cha chi/tea spoon,攪拌jiao ban/mix,倒入dao ru/pour into,蒸zheng/steam,炒chao/fry,煮zhu/boil,烤kao/bake,公斤gong jin/kilogram,公克gong ke/gram

Relevant web-sites
Salty New year Cake
Sweetened New Year Cake

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