Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 21 & 22, Present Chinese New Year to the Public

中國年Chinese new Year
1.  Students can tell the story of Nian (年) to their family.
2.  Students can sing the song, Gong Xi.
3. Students can connect the meaning of spring couplets with the blood of the Lamb.
4. Students can compare the New Year Cake (年糕nian gao) with the unleavened bread.
5. Students can recite the poems of  忙年歌mang nian ge/poem of busy New year

Relevant  web links
1. the story of Nian
2. Gong Xi, Gong Xi
3. write spring couplets
4. Chinese New Year Cake
5. 忙年歌

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Special videos for snow break--- a week before Chinese New Year

忙忙碌碌盼大年In and out, get ready for Chinese New Year.

1. What are people busy for before Chinese New Year?
2. Different food for Chinese New Year's Eve
3. Taste of Chinese New year from different area

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 20, Getting Ready for Chinese New Year

迎新年ying xin nian/get ready for New Year
1. 3rd graders, be able to understand the purpose of spring couplets and will be able to write the symbols of 福fu/blessed,春chun/spring in Chinese and with Chinese brush.
2. 2nd grade will watch the Chinese New Year slide show and be able to know the tradition of Chinese New Year by drawing pictures to go with the specific Chinese New Year terminologies.
3. 1st graders will learn the song - gong xi/congradulation, and be able to sing without looking.
4. Kindergarten will memory a short poem in Chinese calls 忙過年mang guo nian/busy for New Year.

Relevant web link
Sing Happy Chinese New Year in English version

Monday, January 11, 2016

Videos for you over the break 01/15 - 01/19/2016

1. Tradition in Chinese New Year:
2. Story of Nian
3. Learn to Sing Chinese New Year Songs with Pinyin

Week 19, Common cooking methods

1. Students can name at least 5 common cooking methods in Chinese kitchen.
2. Students will be able to write these words in Chinese correctly.

烹飪peng ren/cook,方法fang fa/method,蒸zheng/steam,煮zhu/boil,炒chao/stir fry,煎jian/pan fry,油炸you zha/deep fry,烘焙hong bei/bake,焙燒bei shao/roast,烤kao/broil,烙lao/bake,燒烤shao kao/grill,燉dun/stew

Relevant web sites
 35 種中國菜烹調的方法
Cooking Methods:

Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 18, Numbers again - Fraction and Mixed Numbers

1. Students will know how to make Chinese New Year Cakes.
2. Students will be able to say fractions and mixed numbers in Chinese.
3. Students will learn the words of different ways of cooking in Chinese.
做zuo/make,年糕nian gao/New Year Cake,容器rong qi/containers,材料cai liao/ingredients,調味料tiao wei liao/seasoning,步驟bu zou/procedures,鹽yan/salt,糖tang/sugar,紅糖年糕hong tang nian gao/brown sugar glutinous rice cake,蘿蔔糕luo bo gao/turnip rice cake,食譜shi pu/recipe,二分之一er fen zhi yi/(1/2),一又四分之三yi you si fen zhi san/(1&3/4),在來米粉zai lai mi fen/rice flour,糯米粉nuo mi fen/glutinous rice flour,水shui/water,杯bei/cup,湯匙tang chi/table spoon,茶匙cha chi/tea spoon,攪拌jiao ban/mix,倒入dao ru/pour into,蒸zheng/steam,炒chao/fry,煮zhu/boil,烤kao/bake,公斤gong jin/kilogram,公克gong ke/gram

Relevant web-sites
Salty New year Cake
Sweetened New Year Cake