Monday, February 8, 2016

Week 23-24, Chinese New Year Games - Chinese Chess

象棋xiang qi/Chinese Chess
1. Students will sound out the name of each piece in Chinese Chess.
2. Students will memorize the role for each piece in Chinese Chess.
3. Kindergarten-2nd grade students can put the pieces on the chess board correctly.
4. 3-4th grade students can play against each other on Chinese Chess.

帥shuai/general,將jiang/general,仕士shi/guards; advisors,相象xiang/bishop;elephant,車ju/chariot,馬ma/horse,炮砲pao/cannon,兵bing/soldier,卒zu/soldier,下棋xia qi/play chess,棋子qi zi/game pieces,棋盤qi pan/chess board

Relevant web links
Introduction and rules
Defensive strategies on video
How to play Chinese Chess

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