Monday, February 29, 2016

Week 26, 27 - The Story Time

故事時間gu shi shi jian/story time
1. Students can learn the power of entrust those who think that they are untrustworthy.
2. Students can tell the significance of Chinese new Year for the Chinese people.
3. Students will be willing to write a letter to someone they despised.
4. Students will know their worth does not depend on what other people say but the one who made you.
5. Students will know that everything we do have eternal values.

Movie of Touch of the Master's Hand
Your DNA Matters

Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 25, Lantern Festival & Banqi

元宵節yuan xiao jie/Lantern Festival; 半棋ban qi/Banqi
1. Students will know the day of Lantern Festival.
2. Students can tell three things that Chinese people celebrate Lantern Festival.
3. Students can make lanterns with papers.
4. Students will learn the common vocabularies for making lanterns.
5. k-3rd graders will learn how to play Banqi.
6. 4-5th graders will play Chinese chess and learn the rules.
習俗xi su/custom,提燈籠ti deng long/hold lanterns,吃元宵chi yuan xiao/eat glutinous dumplings,放鞭炮fang bian pao/set up fire crackers,做zuo/make,剪jian/cut,貼tie/paste,畫hua/draw,塗tu/paint,訂ding/staple。半棋ban qi/Banqi,盲棋mang qi/blind chess,靠kao/depend upon,運氣yun qi/luck,技術ji shu/skill,知識zhi shi/knowledge。
Relevant web links
How to make paper lantern
Pingxi Lantern show
Banqi rules

Monday, February 8, 2016

Week 23-24, Chinese New Year Games - Chinese Chess

象棋xiang qi/Chinese Chess
1. Students will sound out the name of each piece in Chinese Chess.
2. Students will memorize the role for each piece in Chinese Chess.
3. Kindergarten-2nd grade students can put the pieces on the chess board correctly.
4. 3-4th grade students can play against each other on Chinese Chess.

帥shuai/general,將jiang/general,仕士shi/guards; advisors,相象xiang/bishop;elephant,車ju/chariot,馬ma/horse,炮砲pao/cannon,兵bing/soldier,卒zu/soldier,下棋xia qi/play chess,棋子qi zi/game pieces,棋盤qi pan/chess board

Relevant web links
Introduction and rules
Defensive strategies on video
How to play Chinese Chess