Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 7 Counting Family Members

Learning objectives
k-2nd grades:  Students will learn family members through a nursery rhyme:你家你家有幾個人ni jia ni jia you ji ge ren/How Many People Are There In Your Family
3-5th grades: Students will write about family members

Vocabularies for this week
家jia/family,有you/there are,幾ji/how many,個ge/counting unit for people,這是zhe shi/this is,那是na shi/that is,爸爸baba/dad,媽媽mama/mom,繼父ji fu/step dad,繼母ji mu/step ma,養父母yang fu mu/adoptive parents,同母異父兄弟tong mu yi fu xiong di/half brother with the same biological mom,同母異父姐妹tong mu yi fu jie mei/half sister with the same biological mom,同父異母兄弟tong fu yi mu xiong di/half brother with the same biological dad,同父異母姐妹tong fu yi mu jie mei/half sister with the same biological father。

Relevant video
song        http://music.weibo.com/ting?songids=100141450&songlist=0&flag=0&coflag=50001613
youtube      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsC9RsOKOak

Friday, September 25, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Week 6--Numbers

This week students will learn how to count in Chinese and how to write Chinese numbers.
K-2nd grade,  Make monthly calendar for September and count to 30 in Chinese.
3-5th grade,  Make monthly calendar of September in Chinese, count to 100 in Chinese.

Relevant web link:

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week 5- Review and Story time

1. This week students will review the greetings words and the way to address family members.

2. k-2 will learn the nursery rhymes:
兩隻老虎Two Tiger   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrYCw6F3p7M
三輪車跑得快Tricycle Run Fast


問候歌Greeting Song    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O64d81Qor_Q

3. 3-5th grade will read the story: 小馬過河(The Little Horse Crosses the River)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week 3,4 Family


1. Students will learn how to call family members in Chinese.
2. Learn the different addresses for fraternal and maternal parents, brothers, sisters, and their children.
3. The vocabularies students have to master are:爸爸baba/dad,媽媽mama/mom,哥哥gege/older brother,姐姐jiejie/older sister,弟弟didi/younger brother, 妹妹meimei/younger sister,爺爺yeye/dad' dad,奶奶nainai/dad's mom,伯伯bobo/dad's older brother, 叔叔shushu/dad's younger brother,姑姑gugu/dad's sister,外公waigong/mom's dad,外婆waipo/mom's mom,舅舅jiujiu/mom's brother,阿姨ayi/mom's sister,堂兄弟tang xiongdi/cousin,表兄弟biao xiongdi/cousin on mom's site,堂姐妹tang jiemei/girl cousin,表姐妹biao jie mei/girl cousin on mom's site。

Relevant youtube: