Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week 20, 21, 22, 23 春節 Chinese New Year

Learning Objectives
1. Students will understand the relationship between  二十四節令/24 Seasons and the farming society.
Pictures to represent 24 seasons:
Watch 24 season drum
2. Students will memorize the the Chinese Zodiac and the way of counting years.
3. Students can tell the historical origin and family tradition for Chinese New Year
4. Students will be able to tell  the common things Chinese people do over the Chinese New Year/Spring Festival
5. Students be able to read Chinese lunar Calendar and identify the special seasons.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Week 16, 17, 18, 19 食物和飲食/Food and Eating

Learning objectives
1. Students be able to name the common American food in Chinese.
2. Students be able to name the common Chinese food in Chinese.
3. Students be able to tell the common utensils in Chinese dining tables and kitchens.
4. Students be able to appreciate the different eating culture in China.
5. Memorize the poem,憫農詩min nong shi
6. Learn the nursery rhyme--農夫nong fu/farmers.
7. Knowing the food that Chinese people treasure is different from the western culture
 舌尖上的中國she jian shang de zhong guo       重庆小面chongqing xiao mian