1. Students be able to tell people their favorite animal in Chinese.
2. Learn the common terminologies of animals in Chinese.
3. Be able to follow along the pinyin with online reading.
4. Be able to write the animals' names in Chinese.
動物dong wu/animal,熊貓xiong mao/panda,老鼠lao shu/mouse,鴕鳥tuo niao/ostrich,鴨子ya zi/duck,駱駝luo tuo/camel,刺蝟ci wei/porcupine,鸚鵡ying wu/parrot,烏鴉wu ya/crow,蝸牛wo niu/snail,金魚jin yu/goldfish,兔子tu zi/rabbit,蟲chong/insect,猴子hou zi/monkey,魚yu/fish,鳥niao/bird,狗gou/dog,貓mao/cat,雞ji/chicken,牛niu/cow,馬ma/horse,羊yang/goat,最zui/the most,喜歡xi huan/like,甚麼shen me/what
Relevant web-links
念童謠--動物 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yg3bOA0G30
動物歌 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSz3r-3XGa4