Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Short Break, anti-bully and awesome China 10/21-10/28

1. 反暴力fan bao li/Anti-bully
qin ai de rang wo men bi ci xiang ai yin ai cong shen lai/Dear friends, let's love one another because love is from God!

2. 愛的真諦ai de zhen di/The Meaning of Love
愛是恆久忍耐又有恩慈,愛是不嫉妒;愛是不自誇,不張狂,不做害羞的事;*不求自己的益處,不輕易發怒;不計算人家的惡,不喜歡不義,只喜歡真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐,凡事要忍耐;愛是永不止息。ai shi heng jiu ren nai you you en ci, ai shi bu ji du; ai shi bu zi kua, bu zhang kuang, bu zuo hai xiu de shi; *bu qiu zi ji de yi chu, bu qing yi fa nu; bu ji suan ren jia de e, bu xi huan bu yi, zhi xi huan zhen li; fan shi bao rong, fan shi xiang xin, fan shi pan wang, fan shi ren nai, fan shi yao ren nai; ai shi yong bu zi xi. (I Corinthians 13:4-8)

3. Awesome China---建橋jian qiao/Building Bridges

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Week 9, When Is Your Birthday

你的生日是幾月幾日?nide sheng ri shi ji yue ji ri/When Is Your Birthday?

k-2nd     Students be able to say their own birthdays in Chinese.
3-5th grade    Students be able to say the year, the month, the date, and days of the week in Chinese.

我的wode/my,你的nide/your,他的tade/his,生日shengri/birthday,年nian/year月yue/month,日ri/day,數字shuzi/number,一yi/1,二er/2,三san/3,四si/4,五wu/5,六liu/6,七qi/7,八ba/8,九jiu/9,十shi/10,十一shiyi/11,十二shier/12,十三shisan/13,十四shisi/14,十五shiwu/15,十六shiliu/16,十七shiqi/17,十八shiba/18,十九shijiu/19,二十ershi/20,二十一ershiyi/21,二十二ershier/22,二十三ershisan/23,二十四ershisi/24,二十五ershiwu/25,二十六ershiliu/26,二十七ershiqi/27,二十八ershiba/28,二十九ershijiu/29,三十sanshi/30,今天jin tian/today,明天ming tian/tomorrow,後天hou tian/day after tomorrow,昨天zuo tian.yesterday,前天qian tian/day before yesterday,星期xing qi/week

Relevant videos
1. How Many Months Are There in A Year
2. Happy Birthday To You     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S28a3esOoVw
3. Count the year, month, date, and days of the week.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Week 8: Counting ages

你今年幾歲ni jin nian ji sui/How Old Are You
Learning objectives
k-2nd grade---Students be able to count their own ages.
3-5th grade---Students be able to count their own ages and family members' ages.

今年jin nian/this year,明年ming nian/next year,後年hou nian/year after next year,去年qu nina/last year,前年qian nian/year before last year,歲sui/year;age,幾歲ji sui/how old

Relevant videos