Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 2, Greetings & Courtesy問候和禮節

Week 2, students will practice courtesy in Chinese language:
請qing/please,謝謝xie xie/thank you,不客氣bu ke qi/you're welcome,對不起dui bu qi/I'm sorry,沒關係mei guan xi/it's ok
Two nursery rhymes will be introduced:
上學歌Go To School Song
問候歌Greeting Song

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Week 1-Greetings, Rules, Names

Dear parents,
Thank you for entrusting me to teach your child Chinese.  If this is the first time for your child to have Chinese lesson the you-tube videos listed below will be helpful for your child to be familiar with the Chinese pinyin system.  We will not teach traditional Chinese zhuyin system.  However, it is good to know where the original pronunciation comes from.  My office is located in the media center.  My office hour is 8:20am-8:50am, Monday-Friday.  Feel free to call, or write me an email at   My purpose is to serve your child well so that they will take their initiative to learn Chinese.  Following you will see the objective for Week 1.

Objectives for Week 1
1. Make sure every student's name is spelled correctly in the grade books.
2. Class rules-Students are expected to have their own tools for Chinese class.  It includes eraser, sharpened pencils for all the grade level.  3rd-5th graders have to have their own Chinese notebooks to take notes from time to time.  Students are to show respect to others and wait for his/her turn to talk.  If a student does not comply to the class rules, three strike policy will apply: 1st warning, green card; 2nd warning, red card and seat re-arrangement; 3rd warning, refer to the office.
3.Students will learn three common greeting words-早zao/good morning,午安wu an/good afternoon,再見zai jian/goodbye.  We will practice these greeting words through the school year.
4. Introduce Chinese pronunciation through Romanticized pinyin system.

Helpful resources for Chinese pronunciation
Chinese pinyin
Traditional zhuyin
Zhuyin and pinyin converting table: