Monday, December 19, 2011

Reproduction related videos

Thursday, December 15, 2011

7B Chapter 13, Endocrine system related

Friday, December 9, 2011

7B Science Chapter 12-Skeletal, muscle, and defense system exam is due Next Monday

The exam will include:
1. The Figure of 12.19
2. The anterior view of your skeletal muscle from handout
3. The class assignment on the defense system
The bonus question is: tell two difference between your lymphatic system and your circulatory system (blood system)

Class assignment for the defense system

For those students who have not finished this assignment.

1. Write the definition of the key words on page 426
2. List the three lines of defense (P.427-431, subtitles).
3. List the three types of phagocytes (P.429).
4. List the three different strategies that these specialized phagocytes use to attack pathogens.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The defense system related

The following videos might help you study:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

skeletal and muscle system

The following videos are beneficial.
skeletal related:
muscle related:

Saturday, November 19, 2011

7B Chapter 12 , Part I-Nervous System exam due Tuesday 11/22/2011

Figure 12.3, Figure 12.6, Figure 12.7, Figure 12.10, Figure 12.14, Figure 12.17, Figure 12.18
and the Nervous System table from your handout of PNS - peripheral nervous system.
The test is comprehensive.
The bonus question is: Can one area of the brain take over the functions of another area in cases of injury?
You have to know the structure of the nervous system and the functions of their parts.  Monday will have a test review in the class.  Be ready!

gray matter, white matter in the spinal cord and reflex arc

The following video tells you what the gray matter (composed of cell bodies and nuclei) and white matter (composed of axons) are in the spinal cord.  Continue the next tutorial section and it will bring you to the reflex arch.  I find this neuroanatomy tutorial video series is extremely beneficial.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

meninges related

Meninges: The three membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord (singular: meninx).
The outside meninx is called the dura mater, and is the most resilient of the three. The center layer is the arachnoid membrane and the thin innermost layer is the pia mater. Inflammation of the meninges (meningitis) can occur due to bacterial infection.
a related video:

The brain stem, thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebrum, cerebellum and their functions

a video about the brain stem and its function:

a video about thalamus, hypothalamus and their functions:

a video about the cerebrum and its functions:

a video about the cerebellum and its funtions:

Friday, November 11, 2011

7B Science Nervous System related videos

Saturday, November 5, 2011

7B Science Respiratory System video

The following videos is very helpful for studying the respiratory system:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chinese Lesson-Unit III, School
The above web site is for you to study with.

7B Science chapter 11 exam is due this Thursday 11/03/2011

The exam will specifically covers the following figures and pages:

1. Figure 11.7 The Digestive System  P.368
2. The Heart   p.372-373
3. The Lungs P. 383-384
4. The Kidneys  P. 387-388

Bonus questions will be:

1. define what enzyme is
2. what is your pulse rate (beats/min) and breathing rate (times/min)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

7B Chapter 11- the Circulatory System

The following websites might help you study the circulatory system:

Some videos for the digestive system:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

7B Science Chapter 10 exam is Tuesday October 11, 2011

Dear 7B students:
Make sure you study chapter 10 over the weekend and be ready to answer the following questions:
1. the structure of a eukaryote cell and their functions, the structure of cell membrane ( from handout 1 and quiz)
2. Define "tissue", and "the epithelial tissue."  List three places where you can find the epithelial tissue. Be able to tell the three layer of skin from outside to inside (epidermis-dermis-fat).  What is the function of sweat?  Why the web thermometer in the experiment dropped their temperature after sitting for 20 minutes?
3. Know components of blood-Plasma, Red Blood Cell, White Blood Cell, Platelet, and their functions. Be able to tell who can donate blood.
4. Connective tissue-Bones, cartilages, ligaments, tendons.  Understand their characteristics, locations, and functions.
5. Muscle- the Skeletal, Cardiac(heart), Smooth Muscle, be able to tell where they are, what is their characteristics(voluntary/involuntary striated/smooth).
6. The cells that make nervous tissue are called neurons.
7. Levels of  organization from the lowest to the highest are: cell, tissue, organ, system, organism.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Middle school and fifth grade Chinese Unit II-Family

The following three weeks our Chinese class will focus on Family.  Please study along with the web site: